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Needs In The Community Survey: The City of Altoona is conducting a confidential survey to identify needs in the community. The survey will also identify views on how residents feel HUD Program funds should be spent, and fair housing concerns, such as acts of discrimination or barriers which may limit the housing choices of families and individuals. Learn More

Finance Department

Finance Department

Jim Gehret
Finance Director
Direct Phone:
Wendy Boyles
Deputy Director
Direct Phone:
Jane Scherden
Accounts Payable Clerk
Direct Phone:
Jeff White
Payroll Clerk
Direct Phone:
Laura Mallory
Clerical Associate III
Direct Phone:

The Finance Department provides a wide range of financial support to Altoona City Council and the City departments by administering the financial affairs of the City. The Department manages the City's revenues, expenditures, investments, purchasing, payroll, accounting, budgeting, debt and pension plans. As such, the Department provides dependable and efficient quality services in billing, collection, cash management, and other fiscal functions in accordance with legal and professional standards.