Browning Avenue Rain Garden (Reciprocity Food Forest) Project
Browning Avenue Rain Garden (Reciprocity Food Forest) Project
Posting Date:
Project Description:
Reciprocity Community Food Forest (Llyswen Neighborhood Altoona) - "Our Community Food Forest is an ever evolving sanctuary in the City for communal connection and seasonal food/medicine from Native Plants in a young forested permaculture design shared by humans and wildlife together in harmony.
The term native plant food forest signifies a highly integrated community of plants that is multilayered with Canopy Trees, Understory trees, Shrubs, Herbs, flowers, roots, ground covers, and vines all providing perennial edibility, medicinally, or constructive resource while benefiting the ecosystem as the foundation of the food web for all creatures as native plants. In an esthetically pleasing park like atmosphere, a third space where money is not required to meet with friends, walkways will meander through guilds of companion plantings with educational signs sighting the name and information about each individual plant.
Benches, Picnic tables, Hammocks, living willow domes and tunnels, slack lines, tree nets, labyrinths and other features may be incorporated eventually. It's a great place for educational workshops on EarthCare, Ecology, Permaculture, Herbalism, Wildcrafting etc. throughout every month of the year. We hope to create a thriving and loving example on how an un utilized green space in the City can transform into an Eden providing seasonal food and medicine year round. We wish to show an example of a better form of agriculture that is regenerative to the ecosystem rather than degrading to it. We hope to show that we can landscape with native plant food rather than just for ornamental purposes. We hope for this space to become a hub for the future Blair County Greenway bike trails. We hope to bring community together, to reconnect with our ecosystem, and to learn reciprocity."
Project Plans
Public Comment/Feedback
Public Comment/Feedback will be available for 60 days from the original posting date.